2022 - Volume 8 [Issue 2]

Case Study

Hookworm Infection in Infant: A Case Study and Review of Literature

S. M. Arshad, . Arifa, Usmani Zakiya, Pangti Sakshi

DOI: 10.9734/ajpr/2022/v8i230238

Page: 11-16

Original Research Article

Umbilical Cord Care Knowledge and Practice: What is the Status of National Chlorhexidine Gel Scale-Up in Nnewi Nigeria?

C. U. Onubogu, K. N. Okeke, E. F. Ugochukwu, C. E. Ezeudu, W. C. Igwe, E. O. Muokwugwo, E. S. Edokwe, N. V. Agu

DOI: 10.9734/ajpr/2022/v8i230237

Page: 1-10

Stress and Coping Strategies of Parents of Preterm Infants in Selected Tertiary Health Institutions in Ekiti State

Alade, Modupe Irene, Ibitoye, Olabisi Fatimo, Ogunkorode, Agatha Sr, Akpor, Oluwaseyi Abiodun

DOI: 10.9734/ajpr/2022/v8i230239

Page: 17-27

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